Sunday 13 August 2017

Health Benefits of Ghee (Clarified Butter) for Healthy Life

Clarified Butter
Clarified Ghee
You like desi ghee but you are worry of the effects it may have on your health. Well, you need not worry about it. Ghee is unhealthy when you do not control the portion you consume. There are lots of benefits of ghee that makes you healthy.

1. Benefits of Ghee Vitamins

These ghee vitamins are stored mainly in the fat parts, so the proportions of vitamins in cow ghee are higher than milk.

Each tablespoon of pure ghee contains fat-soluble vitamins like following:

Ghee Vitamin A (It supports bone, skin, and immune health of our body and plays necessary role in hormone balance, liver health and stamina level),

Ghee Vitamin D (It helps our body to absorb calcium),

Ghee Vitamin E (It is good for eyes and brain)

Ghee Vitamin K (It builds strong bones better than calcium).

“These are all ghee vitamins are highly needful to our body.” 

2. Desi Ghee is Suitable for Sensitive against Casein and Lactose

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter
Ghee is milk sugar (lactose) and milk protein (casein) free. Some individuals have a milk allergy, which may occur from a raising sensitivity of milk protein (casein), and some people may be sensitive to milk sugar (lactose).

Pure ghee is produced when butter is clarified, so we can call ghee in English as clarified butter, means amounts of lactose and casein are removed. So, each individual can eat cow ghee which is sensitive against ghee casein and ghee lactose. You can also call ghee as lactose free ghee or casein free ghee.

3. Benefits of Ghee for Weight Loss

Many People have query that how to use ghee for weight loss. Energy of fatty acids in Clarified butter burns other fats in our body, which is reduces weight of our body.

Desi ghee is rich in fatty acids, which are absorbed directly by the liver and burned as energy. Athletes can use pure ghee as a consistent energy source.

4. Rectification of Digestion due to Ghee Benefits

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter
Strong hunger encourages better digestion. Better digestion is the key of good health, and if you have any digestive issues, rectify your digestion system is an important first step. Clarified Butter excites the secretion of gastric acid in stomach. That helps in proper digestion of food.

Cow ghee is a rich source of butyric acid. That helps in lowering inflammation and improving the digestive system.

5. Organic Ghee Reduces Inflammation

Desi Ghee reduces inflammation by reducing the leukotriene secretion and reducing prostaglandin in the body. Pure Ghee is a rich source of butyric acid. That helps in lowering inflammation.

Researchers are using enemas to reduce inflammatory while ayurvedic physicians are always use ghee nutrition to decrease inflammation.

6. Good Source of Cholesterol in Ghee

Clarified Ghee
Clarified Butter
Is there any confusion between LDL “bad cholesterol” and HDL “good cholesterol”? Let’s remove the confusion high level of HDL cholesterol is beneficial and LDL cholesterol is not good for health. Clarified butter is a Healthy Fat that reduces Bad (LDL) Cholesterol.

Levels of bad cholesterol rise inside the body during periods of stress or when inflammation is present. Desi ghee produces good ghee cholesterol. That protects the body against the inflammation.

To raise your good cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol use good fat instead of carbohydrates. Clarified butter contains Omega-3 fatty acids which can help to decrease your levels of unhealthy cholesterol in your body.

If you have problems with cholesterol, clarified butter is a healthier option than butter because it is lower in fat. So it is easier to digestion. There are so much research shows that pure ghee can reduce cholesterol in the intestine. If you are searching a good source of healthy fats then cow ghee is your best option because it is almost made up of saturated fat.

Your body needs certain fats to perform vital functions. These vital functions includes the protection of the stomach wall against digestive acids, supporting the brain, helps to nerve, keep skin healthy, building cell membranes and strengthening them. These benefits are provided by the fats in desi ghee that are not found in hydrogenated oils, trans-fats or oxidized cholesterol.

7. Clarified butter reduces risk of heart disease

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter

Researchers say clarified butter may be used to prevent heart diseases because there some relation between ghee and heart disease. Pure ghee is rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).

Because of high levels of CLA, eating medium amounts of desi ghee may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

One research points that consumption of vegetable ghee is responsible to increase heart disease because it contains up to 40 per cent trans fatty acids. Research on a rural population in India showed that people who ate regularly traditional ghee had lower incidences of heart disease.

Most people associate butter with fat and make it responsible for heart health, the valuable variety of fats in clarified butter can also provide healthiness to the heart.

8. Strengthens the Immune System Using Ghee Benefits

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter

Clarified butter has a high amount of antioxidants. That helps to increasing your body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from other foods that you consume. This makes your immune system strong.

Research has proved that when butyric acid is properly produced, T cell production in the intestine is helps, and your immune system is become strengthened.

These T cells are responsible for all the heavy work carried out by the immune system against allergies and foreign particles that enter in our body.

Fat, soluble vitamins and minerals are boost your immunity and desi ghee helps to get these ghee nutrition’s for our body.

9. Health Benefits of Ghee for Skin

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter
Here I am showing to some desi ghee benefits for skin. Desi ghee helps in the treatment of burning. It is also widely used for treating and reducing the inflammation in different parts of the body. It can be used against dryness of skin.

Cow ghee is a good moisturizer so lightly massage your skin to obtain soft skin in the winters. If your lips chapped then dab a little bit of pure ghee on your lips and obtain accessible pout without using any cosmetics.

Lack of sleep may be leaving dark circles around your eyes, but clarified butter will reduce them. Apply it lightly around the eyes before going to sleep.

10. Benefits of Ghee Energy

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter

Pure ghee is storage of energy with almost 470 KJ of energy per tablespoon. It has source of medium-chain fatty acids, which can be directly sweated into the liver and burnt as energy. It can release energy even after consumption, which means athletes can obtain ghee benefits from it.

Even if you eat a teaspoon of it before taking exercise, you will not feel decayed in the middle of your exercise. These medium chain fatty acids burn unnecessary fats.

11. Benefits of Cow Ghee for Eyes

Daily consumption of clarified butter (Pure Ghee) can improve your eyesight. If you have irritation in the eye, dab a little bit of ghee under your eyes.

Ayurveda does not suggest pouring slightly warmed ghee on the opened eye, as the ghee you buy may further irritate or damage your eyes.

Important levels of vitamin A in desi ghee make it typical for protecting eye health.

12. Relieves in Constipation Because of Ghee Benefits

Clarified Butter
Clarified Butter

Clarified butter is a good cure for those who suffer from constipation.  Pregnant women should take a glass of milk every night with a teaspoon of cow ghee. This can soften constipation and also boost digestion.